vintage glasses. thrifted floral blazer (tucked it in). uniqlo shorts (jumpsuit). asos tank. h&m belt
Today I turn(ed) 20. . . grandma status! Just kidding, I realize I'm still young and have a lot to learn and experience! Although, I'm emitting a granny aura with this look, hence i'm probably wearing the leftover fabric from her couch. . . oh and my oversized vintage glasses from the 80's don't exactly help either. But hey, I love both pieces! On a brighter note, I look forward to what the future brings :)
Happy belated or early birthday to all the other July babies!
feel free to follow me on twitter :)
ps. like my apple hair? :)
you look so cute! love the short.
aww cute hair!
happy birthday!!
i hope you have an amazing day, and you're definitely looking sweet on your birthday - love the glasses and your blouse!
Krissy xoxo
hahahaa love that hair do :DDDD
Love the colours and pattern on the shirt!
Happy birthday! x
Loving the hair!
Happy belated birthday! woah there are loads of july babies, mine in 2 days hehe
Happy Birthday!! So NOT a grandma ;)
Can I steal your floral blazer, please? Might as well throw in those vintage glasses.
Anywayz, hope you had a good one!
oh yeah i love that thrifted floral blazer! Great look.
I love the glasses !!
Happy Belated Birthday, lovely! You look brilliant. x
happy birthday!! you are rocking that grandma look!!!!!
what a cute shirt!
<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great bday weekend! And I am looooving the floral blazer, so perfectly summery!
I am completely in love with your style and so so happy I came across your blog! You're so unique, fun and fearless, it makes me smile :) The floral blazer is amazing- I want it! And of course I like your apple hair! haha.
Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one :)
hi gorgeous i give you an award. check this out :)
you have the cutest geeky-chic style !!
<3 have a good july too !
www.glisters and blisters.com
Loving the floral blazer! so cute! :)
First of all, I'm really lovin' this outfit. You look awesome. Second of all...Happy (late) birthday! We almost have the same birthday!
I've got to admit, I woke up the morning of my twentieth birthday with a soar back and a gray hair. I feel like an old lady. Yikes.
haha CUUUTE hair! i'm 20 as well and thought i was turning into a grandma. SIGH oh well. you've got great style nice blog! xx opinionslave
/ twitter: @opinionslave
I loveee that floral blazer! your hair is so adorable! happy belated birthday I'm turning 22 and I feel so old lol
derek you look great sooo cute
and nice hair it's nice
thanks for your comment, sorry for the late reply!!
pop me a visit if you have time :3
aww your hair looks so cute x3
happy belated birthday~~
may all your dreams come true!
my birthday is in july too!!
Hi-five x)))
super cute!! happy belated birthday!!
The colors in your shirt are pure perfection. Happy bday!!
its a little late but happy birthday! hope it was wonderful : )
as for your outfit, i'm loving your blazer
Belated happy birthday halmounie! Lol. I'm just kidding. Don't call yourself that coz imagine how I'd feel. Lol. O_O Love your hair!
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